  • Fist
  • Knife
  • Bat
  • Pistol
  • Combat Pistol
  • Micro-SMG
  • SMG
  • Assault Rifle
  • Carbine Rifle
  • Pump Shotgun
  • Combat Shotgun
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Combat Sniper
  • RPG
  • Molotov
  • Grenade 

Police  Wanted Levels

Unlike previous GTA games you could lose your wanted level by going to a Pay 'n' Spray. But now you can just escape the wanted zone and you will have lost your heat. there are six levels of wanted level heat. Each and every level has something new added to the chase.

with one or two stars, the police cruiser is the only car sent to pursue you. When the chase escalates to 2 stars the police are now gonna open fire on you. They are gonna shoot to kill you.

More police cruisers will now join the chase and act more aggressively and you will now start witnessing roadblocks. the police add in a new vehicle the brawny Patriot SUV and the LCPD Maverick Helicopter. In the chopper there is a sniper rifleman who is also targeting you from the helicopter. The chopper will shine a spot light on you when they are giving chase to you at night.

Shooting a cop automatically earns you a 3 star wanted level.
When you reach 4 stars thats if you reach 4 stars the police will now deploy an annihilator helicopter gunship. There are also 4 N.O.O.S.E. members on the helicopter that are equipped with an assault rifle.

When you have earned a six star wanted level the cops will now deploy about 2 or 3 Annihilators. The Patriots disappear an the N.O.O.S.E. deploy more N.O.O.S.E. cars and their rugged Enforcers. FBI will now chase you in buffalos and it gets very intense  here. Your best bet is to find a Pay 'n' Spray and sneak in it to lose the heat.

Grand Theft Auto IV Maps

Here are some maps to help you out with GTA IV. The two maps to your left are to help you find all the pigeons. The map above this is to help you find some hidden weapons that will probably be of use for you.Have fun with the pigeons they are very annoying to find.
 Main Story Walkthrough
 Roman Mission Strand
The Cousin Bellic 
     1st Mission - Drive Roman back to his taxi company. This mission is simple. All you have to do is drive Roman back to his work by following the directions that are given on the radar.
It's Your Call 
     2nd Mission - Roman wants you to take him to the hardware store so he can go in the back and gamble the money he owes to some loan sharks. When you spot the loan sharks, phone Roman to warn him. Do not hurt the loan sharks or you will fail the mission. When Roman jumps in your car you have to lose the loan sharks without hurting and then take Roman back to the cab depot.
Three's a Crowd 
     3rd Mission - you will receive an urgent text message from Roman requesting your help from you back at the cab depot. Drive Romans cab to the train station. Once you get there in the yellow marker honk your horn. Take the Girls to Michelle's apartment. Then go to the clothes shop and buy some new clothes.
First Date 
   4th Mission - After you meet Michelle in "Three's a crowd," you can call and ask her out or you can wait for her to call and ask you for a date. when you pick her up don't drive to recklessly because she will end the date on you and there for you will have failed the mission.
Bleed Out 
    5th Mission - Roman still owes money to the Albanians that Niko scared away earlier, now they are beating him up at the basketball courts. Go and rescue Roman, beat up Bledar and Kalem, and then get in Romans car for the final part. Chase Dardan untill he stops at a factory spot. Take Dardan out and then drive Roman back to the garage.
Easy Fare 
    6th Mission - Drive Roman's car to Rotterdam hill to meet his customer. Take his customer Jermaine to Masterson Street. Suddenly out of no where cops fishtail into the lot. Escape the cops. Once you have lost the cops take Jermaine to Gibson Street. 
 Jamaican Heat
    7th Mission - Go and pick up Little Jacob and then head on over to Dillon Street in Schotler. Once your in Schottler head to the lookout spot. Soon there will be multiple targets that are gonna confront Jacob. OPEN FIRE!! After the last Jamaican falls, Little Jacob ask to go back to the cafe.
Weapons in Strand 
  • Fist
  • Bat
  • Knife
  • pistols
Bull in a China Shop 
    8th Mission - Here you meet Vlad, an ugly Russia who Roman owes money to. Niko decides to work for him to pay him back. Take a taxi cab to the China Shop. Find something to throw at the window, it should be located 3 blocks opposite of the store. then throw it at the store to show the owner your serious and then take the money back to Vlad. 
 Hung Out to Dry
    9th Mission - Vlad wants you to go to the laundromat to pick up his protection money. When you get inside the owner runs out the back, quickly chase after him. Ram the shopkeeper's van until he stops. collect the money and mission complete .  
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